Monday, March 30, 2015

Designer Pâtisserie

I'll take one lovely lavender macaron soufflé... a la David Yurman, merci

While the pastry will not live to another day, the prasiolite pastel crown {ahem, "petite prasiolite Yurman ring in size 7"} is available tonight. Just click shop button --->

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Welcome, Spring-a-ling

It's Spring in Chicago! Err, it's Spring in Chicago? Spring-a-ling? Turn it ON already. We have floral prints to debut. 

Enjoy your weekend fashion lovers, and dust off your Spring wardrobe. Spring is nature's way of saying "Let's Party!"

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hello, {Responsible} Beauty

Confession: My skin care essentials are usually purchased at Whole Foods. I can almost hear the gasps from the beauty world now. Luckily, this organic make-up bag {chalk full of natural beauty products on sale @wholefoods now} gave me my chick card back. 

Riji Green {the organic make-up pouch} is a company committed to end human trafficking. The beauty products inside are made of all-natural ingredients, good for you and not harmful to the environment. Now that's beautiful

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Going Gorgeously Green

{St. Patrick's Day Greenery}

Shop Mag Style loves any holiday where going gorgeously green is a requirement. We thought we'd give you a few tips to make for a glam-green St. Patrick's Day  

1. Flats {Mia size 7- the jig is hard to do in heels} 
2. Anything Emerald. Anything {especially these Kate Spade studs}. 
3. If it sparkles and it's green- layer it {Bauble Bar cuff}. 
4. Be polished {finish your look in "Don't Mess With OPI" or Zoya "Ray"} 

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